The Moffats Send Their Regards

I told you we should have taken her phone.
Well, yeah, but nobody said anything about it. Lord Moffat only said something about keeping her quiet. Writing is quiet, right?
You idiot.

20130723-225701.jpg Right, readers of this thing called Sherlockian Mind, we interrupt the interrupted program to bring you some news. Miss Proud shall be detained this week. After her last posts, she was considered to be a threat to those allergic to spoilers and/or pain, so she has been taken and hidden in a top-secret location in the darkest corner of Barcelona. Good luck finding her now!
Anyway, Mr. Moffat has sent word that she should come to no harm and her electronic devices are still in perfect condition.
She has kept her phone. So far. After a talk with my Lord, I will know what to do precisely.
We shall accept your thanks for our service in time.

You can thank me in person.
Irene could type behind her back.
They should have figured it out faster. Do not worry for me, dears. I am perfectly safe and this underground place looks a lot like Earl’s Court, pan-into-his office. The only thing that fails is a connection. I am still followed, so I will have to stick to something a bit safer, while they hunt. It will be fun anyway, so don’t worry.
Any messages to Mr. Moffat, in case he ACTUALLY comes here, to check on the kiddo he asked the imprisonment of?

Oi, Jimmy, is that the Stalingrad across the street?

There are many things that may have caused Gaudi’s death, but I think somebody just implanted a double-edged dagger in his skull.